6 Ways Seniors Can Stay Happy and Healthy

seniors playing cards
Image via GoDaddy

You’ll certainly want to enjoy your retirement years to the fullest, which is why it’s so important to maintain an active and fit lifestyle. But as beneficial as regular exercise is, both mentally and physically, there are other components that make for a healthy life.

Choice Mutual Insurance Agency recently came up with a list of 6 ways seniors can stay healthy, but also happy and fulfilled in their retirement. Here are their 6 suggestions for seniors:

  • Move your body and stay active
  • Engage in regular brain exercises
  • Find a TV show you love to watch
  • Play card games to strengthen brain skills
  • Invite friends over and be social
  • Find a purpose in life

A Well-Balanced Life is a Healthy Life

Keeping a good balance of activities you enjoy during your retirement coupled with doing something constructive, like taking on a part-time job or doing volunteer work makes for a recipe of staying healthy and happy, and also getting the very most out of this poignant time in your life.

Browse through our other articles on Council of Seniors 365 to get more tips on leading an active lifestyle.

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